This week, you’ll begin your collaboration with your stakeholder – learning more about collaborative tools along the way – and will create the comps for Project 4.
Sync Up
Discuss teams, Slack channels, and kickoff meetings
Breakout for kickoff meetings
The designer walks the stakeholder through the site’s content in a design neutral way
The designer presents their findings and the conclusions they reached through the Heuristic Evaluation exercise
The stakeholder offers feedback, primarily in terms of goals and priorities for the redesign. For the moment, leave the visual design and information hierarchy decisions to the designer and offer guidance that focuses on ‘what’ and ‘why’ rather than ‘how’
Both of you should identify and agree upon:
who the audience for this site is (do you have more detailed questions or need additional information?)
the goals of a user visiting the site
the goals of the business/organization behind the site
In advance of your redesign comps, broaden your understanding of one area of importance related to web design.
There are two possible readings this week:
One explains a systematic way to create color palettes for your web projects.
The other describes the building blocks of web sites and how things come together to create patterns, pages and user flows through an entire site.
You should reflect on which of these subjects would be most beneficial to you – which do you have the least amount of experience with? Based on your self evaluation, select the appropriate reading below:
The reading for The Building Blocks of Interfaces is only for Section 2. Please note that there are 5 sections on this page, and you are not expected to read all of them.